Five steps to try and achieve Flow in the creative process.

According to MIHALY CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, Flow is a state in which one is immersed in an experience that is rewarding in and of itself, a state in which we are one with the experience, in which "action and awareness are merged".

1. Have art supplies organized and easily accessible.Before sitting down to make art getting the area around you conducive to flow is and important first step.

I have found that if I have that paints organized and easily accessible I can stay focused on the task and the creative process. Also laying out the supplies in the same way each time helps me make my surroundings part of the intuitive process of creation.
2. Learn to stay focused on that task for as long as possible. This takes practice. You need to start your task and keep focusing on it for as long as you can.
When I drift or become distracted, I bring my focus back to the task at hand.. When I can keep my focus on that task, with little distractions, I sometimes can lose myself in Flow.
3. Turn off TV, Internet and laundry No multi-tasking it is impossible to get immersed in the task.
If I am trying to do more than just create. The laundry, the dog, the phone, the email have to wait.
4. Positive energy force. Focusing on positive growth and goals and staying in the moment will give you focus.
I continually work on quieting my inner voice - that tape is real old and real tired.
5. Make the creativity a challenge but not over whelming. A task should be challenging enough to require your full concentration but not so overwhelming that you are not able to loose myself in it.
Blue Selizer Bottle by Dennis Crayon

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As a painter of still lifes, I work in oils on both canvas and panels, using color and position to convey Modernist composition with a classical painting technique. Each of my paintings features extreme attention to detail, especially the effect of light as it hits objects. I recognize the value of craft in my painting and continually work on my technique and style.

I am an active member of Washington, D.C.’s artistic community.